
Advocating for Climate Justice in Afghanistan

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Founder of Samsoor Watan, Nasrat Mateen,joined activists today in Torino, Italy for the Fridays for Future protest in September 2022 as a part of Fridays for Future International's global climate march. He reminded us that advocating for hashtagAfghanistan and the hashtagglobalsouths means fighting for justice for countries that are the LEAST responsible for the hashtagclimatecrisis
We must continue to remind world leaders: NO country in the global south can tackle the crisis in isolation. hashtagAfghanistan CANNOT tackle the crisis in ISOLATION! The current crisis demands unity among countries - stop wasting time! Invest in the youth, the current & future problem solvers of your countries. Invest in climate/environmental activists and experts who keep shouting into the void for more sustainable projects and alternatives to fossil fuels. Invest in STEM education for ALL: men AND women. Lastly, HOLD all perpetrators of the climate crisis accountable. Those who contribute the least to the crisis are suffering at an escalated rate, climate justice MUST be served.