
Afghanistan’s Silent Struggle with the Climate Crisis | Nasratullah Mateen | TEDxShar e Naw

Home » Climate Action  »  Afghanistan’s Silent Struggle with the Climate Crisis | Nasratullah Mateen | TEDxShar e Naw

Founder of Samsoor Nasratullah Mateen shares his journey as an environmental activist, expert, and author - he began mobilizing students at a time when environmental protection was in its early stages, and the environmental sciences was not a popular academic pursuit. Change requires behavioral and cultural change, learning to balance indigenous knowledge with new ideas, and curiosity to implement advanced technology. Now more than ever, people in #Afghanistan must mobilize to teach one another and leave no one in the dark as the #climatecrisis is relentlessly hurting a country trying to stand on its own feet. Mr. Mateen calls for global action that includes his country in the efforts to tackle the climate crisis with self-sufficient methods that will not keep #Afghanistan dependent on aid.

You can watch his full TEDx Shar-e-Naw speech here